Saturday, August 1, 2009

Funding Secured

Yesterday I learned that the grant request proposal I submitted to a Wisconsin-based Foundation was approved. I have never given birth so I have no idea how painful that experience is for new moms, but I can tell you for sure that writing a detailed grant request is like having your hand slammed in the door repeatedly.

It is funny how all the pain seems to fade away once you have the grant approval letter in your hot little hand.

I am really thankful that this approval came when it did, this has ben a tough year fundraising-wise; the economy has not been helpful, but we still believe we will raise everything we need to keep the ministry fully funded.

Needless to say, the grant that we've received will be very helpful. Now on to the next funding project! We have to keep the retreat space available for all the pastors and spouses that have been requesting this much needed time away.

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