Monday, February 8, 2010

Miramar Theatre

Char and I had the chance to spend the afternoon with friends yesterday (Sunday), they are pastoring a relatively new church on the east-side of Milwaukee.

The church is meeting in the old Miramar theater. It's a perfect location for the younger crowd that is calling this new church "home." I really loved being part of the gathering that was already underway by the time we arrived. The honest, raw energy was great.

Michael is the pastor of the church and he brings an authenticity and challenge to his teaching that has largely been lost due to most churches being caught up in a desperate effort to be hip.

No frills at the Miramar theatre - but you don't really care. Seeing a room full of college students excited about their faith and the journey that lies ahead, is far better than a cushy environment brimming with multi-media overload.